A good answer might be:

The completed program is given below.

Using a Constructor in a Declaration

Here is the complete program with the blanks filled in as suggested.

class StringTester

  public static void main ( String[] args )
    String str1;   // str1 is a reference to a String object.
    String str2;   // str2 is a reference to a second String object.

    int    len1 , len2 ;    // the length of str1 and the length of str2

    str1   = new String( "Green eggs") ; // create the first String

    str2   = new String( " and ham.")  ; // create the second String

    len1  = str1.length();    // get the length of the first string

    len2  = str2.length();    // get the length of the second string

    System.out.println("The combined length of both strings is " +
        (len1 + len2) + " characters" );

This is a "wordy" version of the program. An object can be created in a variable declaration. For example the following would work:

String str1 = new String("Green eggs");
String str2 = new String(" and ham.");

There is an even shorter way to do this, but it works only for String objects:

String str1 =  "Green eggs";
String str2 =  " and ham.";

The new operation still happens behind the scenes; this way is just "shorthand" for the longer way. For other classes you need to use the new Constructor() way of creating an object.


Which of the following are correct?

String ant = "It was a dark and stormy night."
String bat = new( "A shot rang out in the dark." );
int    cat = "123";
double dog = 45.69;